Anxiety Manchester | Manchester Hypnotherapy

Many of you will no doubt be aware of the tragic shooting that occurred in Connecticut in the US yesterday. Obviously our thoughts go out to the family and friends of those who lost their lives. Can you imagine the sheer terror of witnessing that event, not knowing whether you would be next? Such severe trauma can turn into Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (or PTSD for short).

Often a person suffering with PTSD will often relive the traumatic event through nightmares and flashbacks, with a whole host of intense emotions that can hinder their ability to sleep and concentrate. They are also likely to suffer from anxiety, flashbacks, depression and their day to day functioning can be impacted.

PTSD is common in soldiers who have witnessed intense war scenes and seen their colleagues die. People in jobs such as the police frequently encounter events and situations which can lead to PTSD. Individuals who have suffered or witnessed rape, mugging, road accidents and many similar events can develop symptoms in line with PTSD.

The emotional responses to dangerous events are actually there to aid a person in an effort to avoid similar situations. For example if someone got knocked down as a child, it wouldn’t be uncommon for them to feel anxiety when near roads. This is an example of the subconscious mind trying to protect someone, by making them more alert in specific circumstances. However this same system can render an individual unable to function day to day and in these circumstances action needs to be taken. Hypnotherapy was one the best tools to aid this subconscious relearning.

However without a shadow of a doubt, the most effective technique to help in these situations is a new therapy called Percussive Suggestion Technique (or PSTEC for short). This is a technique which can quickly scramble emotions towards any event, whether a past traumatic event or even anxiety experienced whilst thinking about an imagined future scenario.

I like to use the analogy of an emotional barrel we all possess which can get filled over time with unresolved negative emotional experiences. It can slowly fill over time for example if we are in a stressful job or we are in a stressful relationship. Other times a major event occurs, like the recent shooting in the US, which could lead a survivor to have a completely full emotional barrel in one fell swoop.

My job in cases such as these is to extract all of the negative emotion from the barrel/body which can leave a person feeling calm and relaxed in a very short space of time. I have helped dozens of rape victims using PSTEC and have found that all emotional pain to the event can often be removed in one session (often within 10 minutes!). More interestingly is the effect that this has on the rest of the their life and general feeling of well being.

Often individuals will come to me for help with self esteem, confidence and anxiety issues. Frequently these individuals have been through trauma in the past though they don’t think it is relevant any more. Problems such as these don’t develop on their own but rather are the product of specific life experiences. Undoing the emotional aspect of these events can have a profound on a persons experience of life.

If you or someone you know appears to be suffering in any of the ways described above the usual route would be to see a counsellor or cognitive behaviour therapist. These techniques   can have some effect but if you want rapid results please contact me and we can quickly blast away the trauma and emotions with the very latest techniques.

Manchester Hypnotherapy Anxiety PSTEC